Healing Power and
Curative Properties
The leaves of bamboo tree are stimulant, aromatic and tonic. They are useful in counteracting spasmodic disorders, and arrest secretion or bleeding. They are also an effective aphrodisiac. The leaves do not have any prominent taste.
The leaves of bamboo tree are stimulant, aromatic and tonic. They are useful in counteracting spasmodic disorders, and arrest secretion or bleeding. They are also an effective aphrodisiac. The leaves do not have any prominent taste.
Stomach Disorders
The leaves are beneficial in the treatment of stomach troubles. They are useful in strengthening the stomach and promoting its action. The young shoots of the tree are also useful in stomach disorders. Pickled or cooked, they serve as an appetizer. In many parts of India, the leaves of the tree are used in the form of decoction to treat diarrhea.
The leaves are beneficial in the treatment of stomach troubles. They are useful in strengthening the stomach and promoting its action. The young shoots of the tree are also useful in stomach disorders. Pickled or cooked, they serve as an appetizer. In many parts of India, the leaves of the tree are used in the form of decoction to treat diarrhea.
The tender shoots are useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Decoction of the shoots should be taken with a tablespoon of honey once or twice daily.
The tender shoots are useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Decoction of the shoots should be taken with a tablespoon of honey once or twice daily.
A decoction of the leaves as an emmanagouge would stimulate menstruation. It promotes and regulates the menstrual periods. A decoction of the nodes of the bamboo stem is also useful for this purpose.
A decoction of the leaves as an emmanagouge would stimulate menstruation. It promotes and regulates the menstrual periods. A decoction of the nodes of the bamboo stem is also useful for this purpose.
Wounds and Ulcers
A poultice of the tender shoots is used for
cleaning wounds and maggot-infested sores. Decoction or juice of the fresh
bamboo leaves is applied as a medicine in such ulcers.
Dosage: The juice
of 35 grams of fresh leaves may be taken twice daily either alone or mixed with
any other juice. The decoction extracted from 70 grams of leaves may be used by
itself. About 120 ml of the juice extracted from very tender shoots may be
taken twice daily.
Intestinal Worms
The leaves are
useful in killing intestinal worms, especially thread worms. They should be
taken in the form of decoction.
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