Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vinegar as Natural Medicine

Medicinal Use of Vinegar: ( Note: Must to be Used with Fully Care )

Swimmer’s Ear
The build-up of moisture in the ear canal is known as “swimmer’s ear” and when aggravated by the presence of bacteria, it can cause extreme itchiness and pain.
Keeping the ear free of water helps dramatically so, every time you come out of the pool, shower or bath, train a hair dryer on each ear for 20 seconds.
If the itchiness is more than you can bear, try a few drops of white vinegar in the ear canal (much like medical ear drops). Ensure the vinegar gets deep into the ear canal by moving your head slightly. Then, after 30 seconds allow the fluid to drain out.
Aim for two drops for each ear and continue for five days.

There are many ways to stop a bleeding nose and vinegar is one of them.
Soak sterile cotton strips in vinegar and gently insert into nostril. Vinegar will then stem the bleeding.

If you have a cough that continually keeps you and everyone nearby awake at night, sprinkle a few drops of apple cider vinegar on a cloth and lay it under your head while you sleep.

Sore Throats
There are three ways of treating sore throats – gargling, swallowing and wrapping. If you do all three, the sore throat stands no chance:
1.    To gargle, mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and gargle for ten seconds, three to four times a day.
2.    To swallow, mix four teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and four teaspoons of honey in a glass of warm water. Drink every four hours.
3.    For wrapping, first steep a cloth in a mixture of 200 ml/7 fl oz/1 cup of warm water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Squeeze it out and place on the throat, keeping it in place by wrapping another scarf or cloth around it. Wear this while sleeping and the vinegar will draw the toxins out of your system.

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